Monday, August 20, 2012

black and white bricks cake

It’s a 7 layered brickssssssssssssss cake! Yes, B-R-I-C-K-S, bricks! I was so happy to finally make this cake! Couldn’t actually believe it myself. I made a white sponge, black sponge a 

butter cream and a chocolate sauce.
It was my cousin’s 17th birthday so I decided to make something unique and exceptional 

cake. Not just a chocolate cake with some piping’s on top, I want to go simple but shocking when you dig deeper. A 7

layered vanilla and chocolate cake, and topped with chocolate stone and a letter D (for my cousin’s initial.) using white chocolate chips.

Thanks, to my sister for helping me out in cutting, cleaning and decorating. (My secretary!) J Coz’ my yaya went out so I got no one but her.

I just got some difficulties in making butter cream, so you see I tried this butter cream recipe which calls for egg white-sugar syrup-butter. I made sugar syrup first, and then 

pour it in my soft peak egg whites,
to cook it, but apparently, it didn’t work. It breaks. My sugar-syrup was too little plus, it 

almost gets burned. I don’t know what happened, just a glimpse away, then poof! BURN! You see, when making

icing using egg whites, you have to cook it with sugar syrup, not cook as in, like the sunny side up nor scramble egg thingy, but to temper the egg whites, just to be sure 

there’s no salmonella bacteria in it.
So, in the end, I just made a classic and traditional butter cream which use butter-icing 

sugar-milk- and vanilla essence.
A soft and fluffy cake. It’s not that super moist, because the icing and the chocolate sauce 

will do the work. It’s not good to eat a cake that'll stick in your teeth.
Here’s a little teaser ;)

colorful isn't it? I was actually gonna make a harry potter face and wands and stuff using my homemade candies click :) but sadly, I ran out of time, so to make it look appealing, I just used rainbow colored candy chocolates. ;)

improvised box made by *angeli syiaco 
coz my box doesn't fit the size of  this cake, it's too low for a 7 layered cake, so what she did was to cut    
a bit border of the other box, and just stapled it to the other. how cool was that! creative:)

so here! i'll post tomorrow the other pictures!:) 

everyday baking:) 


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